Enjoy the fun outdoors/indoors of SSJ Plush entertainment and rejuvenate yourself!

We will make at least one video per weekend!

As the creator of SSJ, we may have some issues with video production so it may take some big amount of time and patience for delayed videos to be completed, but check for our content whenever available.

This is where your exploring starts. You can browse here through some parts of the successor to the second site (the first one was buggy and styled inferiorly to second release) as we added some differences from the predecessor. We made this because of the making of the modern style of the current site and have some news edited on this style from the capability of the current site, so this site will be the modern site of the regular site.

On this site you will find SSJ content in an different takeon so I hope you like what you find here on this site.

~ Joseph DiAngelo Sanford (SSJ Creator/Editor/etc)

Check out our content, We are active whenever possible

We make Sonic Plush content with the skill of adding cartoony and action packed elements to the puppetry with plushies at the same time with editing such as visual editing, music, animation, and green screening. The workings of these videos recently has a variety of comedy, action, story, entertainment, slapstick, and adventurous content with a family-friendly tone but with creative scripting at the same time similar to some media with these genres listed above. Joseph DiAngelo (JD) Sanford, the creator of the SSJ series, also makes photos by editing them in styles with either humor, action, etc (as seen in his Instagram account for example). So please check out our content whenever you have the time to.   

SuperSonicJoseph Logo

The logo made in 2018 while making the intro for the first time. Also the complete view of the channel's logo while re-editing to make the final version of the SSJ logo since 2015.


SSJ YouTube Icon w/ Sonic's Famous Smirk

While Joseph was editing the SSJ YouTube icon, the idea came to him using Sonic's smirk from SA2 with the precise lining with his smirk from the Modern design render and add the Dreamcast smile to it to make it look like his Sonic X Counterpart.

Modern SSJ Groove

SSJ Content

We have social media that also connects to YouTube 

Cross-skiing trails to SSJ Plush Content;

Come at anytime! Bringing you to the original site.

Hilly Slopes of Joseph Content/etc;

Check out anytime! Previewing you to Joseph himself.

Swingin High with SSJ Tweets;

Come anytime, Showing you some posts of stuff from Joseph/SSJ.

        We are looking forward to your video ideas

                         Starlight Green Mountain Range, 2443 E St, Temecula, CA

SSJ Site | Welcome to the Mountains of SuperSonicJoseph
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